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2012 ottobre 24

Fantasmi nel cielo autunnale.
L'orizzonte Ovest dal terrazzino di casa il 24 Ottobre verso le ore 19:15.
A proposito di Arturo, la stella alfa di Boote, la prestigiosa rivista USA "Sky and Telescope" fa notare che alla fine di Ottobre essa occupa in cielo nel tramonto autunnale il posto del Sole estivo.
 Questo è il trafiletto di Sky and Telescope:
 Friday, October 26 _ The Ghost of Summer Suns. Halloween is approaching, and this means that Arcturus, the star sparkling low in the west-northwest in twilight, is taking on its role as "the Ghost of Summer Suns." What does this mean? For several days centered on October 29th every year, Arcturus occupies a special place above your local landscape. It closely marks the spot in your sky where the Sun stood at the same time by the clock during warm June and July — in broad daylight, of course. So, in the last days of October each year, you can think of Arcturus as the chilly Halloween ghost of the departed summer Sun

Un bel fantasmino :-)


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