Flora, Insetti, qualche ragno

Eriophorum angustifolium

Foto di elviro inama

2019 agosto 06 - Val Venegia (TN)
Erioforo significa 'portatore di bioccolo (ciuffo) di lana'-Pennacchio a foglia stretta.
Interessante leggerne l'utilizzo in diverse culture e in tempi diversi (da Wikipedia)
Eriophorum angustifolium seeds and stems are edible and are used in traditional Native American cuisine[23] by Alaska Natives,[24] Inuit and Inupiat people.[25] The leaves and roots of E. angustifolium are also edible and, because of their astringent properties,[15] used by the Yupik peoples for medicinal purposes, through a process of decoctioninfusion or poultice, to treat aliments of the human gastrointestinal tract,[26] and in the Old World for the treatment of diarrhoea.[27] In abundance, E. angustifolium can grow with enough density to disguise wetland and bog.[10]Consequently, it may be used as a natural indicator of areas which are hazardous and to avoid travelling through.[7][27] Attempts to make a cotton-like thread from the hairs of the plant's seed-heads have been thwarted by its brittleness,[27][28] but it has been used in the production of paper and candle wicks in Germany,[21][29] and was used as a feather substitute in pillow stuffing in Sweden[29] and Sussex, England.[28][30] In Scotland, during World War I, it was used to dress wounds. 
In sintesi:
troppo fragile per essere tessuto; usato per carta e stoppini (in Germania) e come imbottitura dei cuscini in Svezia e nel Sussex. Come garza durante la Ia Guerra mondiale in Scozia.



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